Seeing True
Why Seeing True?
Is there something calling to you to be realized in your life, though you do not know how to proceed?
“Transformation in the world is rarely achieved without people who they themselves have been transformed.”
Are you feeling stuck in the areas of your life that matter most? Do problems or patterns of problems with people, organizations or situations continue to recur or undermine you?
Then the Seeing True™ framework could be what helps you break through and achieve the kind of change that has been elusive.
Seeing True™ is a moment of epiphany so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. Ron Chapman and Seeing True™ are resources for those seeking guidance and direction as they work through the difficult, but necessary process of seeing and dealing with people, situations, and feelings. This makes it possible to realize potential that was formerly unachievable.
The Seeing True Blog
Ron regularly writes about the spiritual work that is necessary to create true transformation, foster forgiveness, and improve relationships.
The Seeing True Shop
Most of the resources and workshops that Ron creates for the Seeing True brand are free for anyone to use. We sell custom-designed goods in order to help fund this work.